

The October Long Weekend got off to a soggy start with showers on Saturday morning delaying departure until lunch time.
Addiction & Bow Wow met up off Careel Bay and cruised in company to Refuge Bay for a quiet evening.
Sunday morning dawned bright and clear so the fleet set off for Akuna Bay and ended up in a lovely sheltered cove with only a turtle for company.
Having anchored securely, it was time to settle in for the Grand Final and enjoy a few libations while watching the sun set.
Monday was fine and clear (and an hour out of whack thanks to Daylight Savings..!).
Said farewell to our Turtle mascot and headed back towards Pittwater.
Addiction ended up in spending the night in Little Shark Rock Bay on a mooring by themselves while Bow Wow continued back home.
Altogether a great start to the New Season and bodes well for Summer Cruising.


2019 Easter Cruise Click Here




During the summer period, there will be various CRUISING/RALLY events. These will be listed on the web-site as details become available.

Organised CRUISING/RALLYS with the PBYC provide opportunities for members to extend their experience and seamanship while enjoying the company of a group with many similar interests. Apart from the enjoyment of sailing in new situations, members receive moral support and practical assistance if they face any difficulty. The Club provides these opportunities for its members to sail together and gather socially within enclosed waters as well as the potential for longer cruises to other destinations along the coast.

CRUISING/RALLYS with the Club does not remove the responsibility from the skippers for the safety of their vessel and crew and for the handling of all aspects of sailing the vessel.  Please approach the Cruising Co-ordinator for advice regarding any issues of a safety or operational nature. NSW Maritime sets the regulations as regards safety equipment but, as a general guideline, the YA Category 7 is suitable for enclosed waters and Category 5 is required for coastal sailing.

The PBYC Committee can give an opinion to any member about the suitability of their vessel for a cruise in open waters. This may lead to a recommendation that they do not participate in a particular event in that vessel where it is considered that the vessel or its crew would be at unreasonable risk or may jeopardise the safety of other PBYC members participating in that event. Please remember that this opinion is in no way an official endorsement of a vessel’s seaworthiness.

All PBYC members participating in a cruise are expected to offer assistance to any one of the vessels in the group if required.  However, every skipper should proceed on a CRUISING/RALLY with the expectation that, if in trouble, other participating vessels may only be in a position to inform others about the trouble being experienced.

Skippers should obtain and examine appropriate charts of areas to be visited.  They should be familiar with coastal navigation techniques and ideally possess and be able to operate a GPS.

While visiting any anchorage or marina, members should remember that they are representing the PBYC and should not indulge in rowdy behaviour, leave litter on beaches nor generally behave in a manner likely to upset others.

Palm Beach Yacht Club does not condone drinking and boating.
Remember that alcohol and water can be a deadly mix.
As the skipper, you are responsible and must stay under 0.05% BAC.
Drinking on the water isn’t the same as drinking on land.  Wind, waves and the sun can increase the effects of alcohol on your body, not to mention the chance of falling in and drowning.

Be aware that Random Breath Testing applies on the water.


Local Cruising Locations (click to enlarge)